Friday, February 10, 2012

Two new cases of mad-cow disease in Marin County

Officials from Marin County has reported that of the two cases of mad-cow disease i.e. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, one is not the case of this disease.

From SayPeople,

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is rare type of disorder as there are only 300 cases of the disease in U.S. annually and 30 in California as reported by the experts of the disease at University of California-San Francisco (UCSF) and Stanford. Many of the cases are either come up suddenly or are inherited. Approximately, 1% of the cases are "acquired" Creutzfeldt-Jakob resulted from an infection caused by bovine spongiform encephalitis, or mad-cow disease. Most important causes of the infection can be blood transfusion or eating infected beef or tissue transplant from a person, who has the same disorder.
Marin County Health Department reported on Thursday that there are infectious cases and no public threat to the disease.



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