Friday, February 10, 2012

NASA might get budget reductions

According to reports by experts, NASA would get budget reductions in its Mars exploration budget. The budget would be announced by the President Obama.

Some experts such as Edward Weiler, who until September was NASA's associate administrator for science, are not happy with the budget cuts to Mars.

"To me, it's totally irrational and unjustified," said Weiler. "We are the only country on this planet that has the demonstrated ability to land on another planet, namely Mars. It is a national prestige issue."

From Science Insider,
If adopted by Congress, the 20% cut in planetary science would in all likelihood shelve NASA's ability to participate in two Mars missions to be carried out in partnership with the European Space Agency (ESA). And the former head of NASA's science mission says that the targeting of the ExoMars program by White House budget officials was the final straw leading to his resignation last fall.



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