Sunday, September 18, 2011

Earth is the best place to live

A man while walking in the street takes a look at a bigger world in a small area.
He starts walking from his gate in the house. He knows that world is not only at this place but there is a bigger world outside.

He looks at hawker and thinks that how everyone is workind hard to get food. He thinks that hardwork is not sufficient, much of the time some other factors like good luck also plays important role.

While watching at a pet dog in a nearby house, he thinks that human beings and animals are linked to each other and there is a factor of love between both of them.

While looking at sky, he finds that the world has limits but what is behind the sky is limitless thoughts. While looking on the ground, he thinks that what will happen, if there would be no gravity.

While meeting a relative, he thinks that I have to talk with him. What to ask and what to tell than comes to his mind.

While looking at market from a distance, he thinks that may be I can buy important things there.

After all these things while entering his house he thinks that at last home is the best, where I can sleep, where I can find my loved ones, which is my favorite place.

The same thing may happen in the future when people will be able to go to the other places in universe. They will say at last Earth is the best.

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