Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Houston denied to sell Dropbox to Apple

Credit: Forbes
Forbes magazine has recently showed that Steve Jobs was looking for the software developer Drew Houston. Forbes article written by Victoria Barret has following account,
Jobs had been tracking a young software developer named Drew Houston, who blasted his way onto Apple’s radar screen when he reverse-engineered Apple’s file system so that his startup’s logo, an unfolding box, appeared elegantly tucked inside. Not even an Apple SWAT team had been able to do that.
As mentioned in Forbes, Jobs invited Houston and his partner, Arash Ferdowsi, for a meeting at his Cupertino Office. What they did? They made hot storage and sharing software "Dropbox". Dropbox has more than 50 million users with new one joining every second.
Apple offered them $800 million for Dropbox as it could be an awesome option for iCloud but Houston was not agreed on selling the company to Apple.

Further Reading:

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