Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Yahoo and Facebook in Patent related issues

Article first published as Yahoo! Warns Facebook Over Patent Issues on Technorati.

The New York Times has reported that Yahoo has warned Facebook over utilization of many of the technologies already filed by Yahoo in 10 to 20 patents.
Yahoo has reported that some of the companies, who utilized the technologies in the Yahoo’s patents, have resolved the issues related to patents by licensing them and Facebook has also to resolve the issue by giving the licensing fees or Yahoo will sue against Facebook.
Yahoo stated that Facebook’s ads, news feed, messaging services and privacy controls are working on some of the technologies mentioned in Yahoo’s patents.
Representatives of the two companies have met on Monday.
"Yahoo has a responsibility to its shareholders, employees and other stakeholders to protect its intellectual property," the company said.
“Yahoo has a responsibility to its shareholders, employees and other stakeholders to protect its intellectual property,” a Yahoo spokesman said in an e-mailed statement (to The New York Times). “We must insist that Facebook either enter into a licensing agreement or we will be compelled to move forward unilaterally to protect our rights.”
Barry Schnitt, a spokesman for Facebook, said in a statement: “Yahoo contacted us the same time they called The New York Times and so we haven’t had the opportunity to fully evaluate their claims.”
I think meeting of the representatives of two companies is best thing, as negotiation can lead to better solution as compared to patent fight.

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