Monday, February 13, 2012

Higgs Boson would be revealed this year

CERN, the European organization for Nuclear Research, has announced that the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will operate on 4 trillion electron-volts (TeV) this year.

Previously, LHC worked on 3.5 TeV and showed potential in working. Researchers including Sergio Bertolucci, CERN's research director, are hopeful that this new energy level will reveal the truth of Higgs Boson.

“By the time the LHC goes into its first long stop at the end of this year, we will either know that a Higgs particle exists or have ruled out the existence of a Standard Model Higgs,” said CERN’s Research Director, Sergio Bertolucci. “Either would be a major advance in our exploration of nature, bringing us closer to understanding how the fundamental particles acquire their mass, and marking the beginning of a new chapter in particle physics."

After completion of these experiments, LHC will work on 7 TeV after 20 months of break.


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