Sunday, February 5, 2012

Ancestor of crocodiles have been discovered; Research

Researchers have found "Shieldcroc" or Aegisuchus witmeri that is thought to show the ancestry of crocodiles. 

This species of crocodiles is about 95 million years ago i.e. of Late Cretaceous period, which is thought to be the part of Mesozoic Era and has been referred to as the “Age of the Dinosaurs”.

Casey Holliday, co-researcher and assistant professor of anatomy in the University of Missuri, School of Medicine, said,

“It’s fairly certain that it belonged to a group of crocodyliforms — including the flat-headed crocs — that had really thin, weak jaws and weak chin joints. So they weren’t wrestling dinosaurs on the water’s edge. They would have been quick snap feeders waiting for prey to come by and then grabbing it and swallowing it with large, basket-shaped mouths — something like a pelican would do.”


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